Saturday, February 14, 2004

No Black Cats for Me!

Friday the 13th. Why is it that people dread this day? I actually had a pretty good day, with nothing very unlucky happening. Classes were good, if a bit boring. Then I had dinner with Stef and Chris and watched Dirty Dancing (great movie!) with some of the girls. I even got to talk to my sister and Dusty.

The only bad part of the day was that the ploy didn't work. My four friends and I wore shirts all day long that read "Need a Valentine?" in hopes of getting guys, but it didn't work. Honestly, I walked around all day with an ad on my shirt and didn't get any takers. I'm so pathetic.

I did, however, get a package of cookies from my church at home. I have to say, those women are wonderful. If I can't get a valentine, I might as well get chocolate. Besides, who needs a valentine when you've got good friends? Having someone just means extra pressure, having to buy a gift, and all that crap. I'm chillin on that idea.

Tomorrow is the day of Ben and Jerry's and complete relaxation. Good times. And sleep. Weeeeeee!

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