Thursday, January 15, 2004


I have a confession to make: I cheat. I know that it is wrong and bad and makes me really unattractive, but I can't help it. Sometimes I just want things so badly that I can't stop myself. Not to mention the peer pressure that others can exert. I have resolved to try harder, but I don't know if I can. After all, a girl can only do so much. From now on, I'll try harder to be faithful to my diet.

Ha! I fooled you, didn't I? I have never cheated in a relationship. Ever. But I do occasionally slip on my diet. I think from now on I'm going to adopt the idea that it is the quantity that is the problem in gaining weight, not actually what you eat. Besides, no matter how hard I try, I can't give up desserts completely. Life is just too short to miss out on the good stuff.

In the meantime, people have actually started coming back to the dorms, which makes me really happy. After all, I'm no longer by myself all the time. Stef and Zach keep me laughing, and Sarah and Chris and the rest of the gang will be here soon.

For now, I have 5 days before classes start for me (I got nothing on Tuesday!!!) so I'm going to start chillin' like a villain. Starting with some old school Mario Bros. in Wang's room. Awesome.

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