Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Chapel Redefined

The Minister of Visitation and the Minister of Missions apparently bought ties for the mission team a few years ago. The ties, which feature outlines of the Blues Brothers and the words "On a Mission from God", are AWESOME. Since we liked them so much, the guys gave them to me and to our new Director of Christian Ed. So, we showed them off by wearing them to Home Depot today.

Then this evening, after lots of planning and sketching, after meetings with Trustees, fire marshals, building inspectors, and the emerging worship planning team, we finally rearranged the chapel. We had help from youth volunteers, members of the team, and a few brave adult volunteers. I couldn't get a good angle to get a picture of the whole room, but I got these that show some of the arrangement.


Unknown said...

Yaaay! Looks exciting. I can't wait to get into the space and feel it. (Isn't it fascinating how doing something like this can completely change the energy of the space?)

I hear my mother is pushing to get wheels on the altar table. As I just worked on a show where we had to put casters on some beds, I'll offer this: make sure you get the kinds of wheels that swivel. There are some wheels that can only really move straight forward and are REALLY annoying because you have to do this annoying backing-up thing to get them to change direction.

Hope the modelbox/groundplan helped!

Sarah @ Preaching In Pumps said...

I like it!! Is that the altar in the middle? I like the fact that the worship is kind of a round (square?) space.