February is such a weird month. Half the time it's snowing and the other half it's pretending that spring is coming with sunshine and warm weather. It can't even figure out how long it wants to be, causing all sorts of calendar confusion every four years. On top of that, the month doesn't have any real holidays, it only has Valentine's Day, that awful, awkward holiday that is the bane of everybody's existence. I know, you're going to tell me that people who are in relationships like Valentine's Day, but I really think it's still awkward for them. The whole gift/card for Valentine's Day becomes a huge debate. Do you go with classic but generic? Do you try for something unique and risk getting it all wrong? Then there's the inevitable difficulty over the intensity of the relationship. Valentine's Day inevitably brings one of those relationship-defining talks, whether it's the first use of the l-word or the dating vs. relationship discussion, or the expected proposal (crazy, I know, but it happens). People in long-distance relationships all try to spend the holiday together, and people in long-term relationships often forget the day and get themselves in trouble. Then there's the awkwardness of people who decide to use Valentines to inform someone of their romantic interest, which often ends in discomfort. And one can never forget the awful awkwardness of being single for Valentine's day. I usually spend my single V-Days hiding out with my favorite men (Ben and Jerry). This year, however, because of Lent, I'll be hiding out with KJ, eating un-junk food, and watching Pride and Prejudice for six hours. If I'm not going to have a guy for V-Day, I can at least spend it gazing at Mr. Darcy's pensiveness. So, I guess I'm just glad that February is the shortest month so it'll be March, and spring, sooner.
Alright, I admit it, I have crabs on my socks. Because Rachel, my wonderful and amazing friend in Indiana, gave me awesome, creative socks for Christmas (last weekend). I now have crab socks, sheep socks, and star socks, not to mention ugly hair accessories. I also got to go visit the R-girl last weekend and it was a blast. Rachel makes me excessively happy. I just needed to toss that ode out there.
And while we're at it...
At Wesley last night we did one of my favorite activities which involves telling people how they have blessed your life and why you're thankful for them. I have to say, this activity always makes me want to run around and hug all the people who are important to me and tell them how much I love them and am glad to know them. Unfortunately, what with being at school and far away from some friends and having friends who are busy that I don't get to see all the time, I can't just run around to each person's house in the next hour, so here it is: I love you. Yes, you. Every single one of the people who would read this, my friends, are SO important to me. You hug me and smile at me when I'm down, you're people I can talk to and trust, and you make me feel like I matter, which is a pretty special feeling. So thank you. And next time I see you, remind me to hug you and tell you how wonderful you are, because it's true.
Hug ya later, kids.
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