Don't try to switch classes once the semester is started. Really. This is for your own good. I have to say, there are few things that cause me more annoyance than the bureaucracy at the educational institution that I attend. Dropping classes is easy. You just get on this little computer program and type a few numbers and it's done. But adding is another story altogether. I tried to replace Finance with Sociology. This involved getting permission to get permission to get an override. Two offices in Middlebush and an enless line in Brady later, however, I have a much better 2 p.m. class, and the guaranteed workout of climbing to the third floor of Middlebush every MWF to wrap up my marathon of five classes. Eh, it's all good, I finally get to study feminism.
In other news, I got to take a nice, long nap today, with the result that I had some pretty crazy dreams. First, I dreamed that I was making out with a certain FARCing sax player, which would never happen, but was enjoyable in my dream. Then I dreamed that my Ohio friends were here at Mizzou and we were rocking the house (dang I miss those guys!). Then I dreamed that my roommate was an anime character (not far from the truth) with her rat. And throughout it all, one of my friends was sitting quietly in the background, just watching it all go by, which is characteristic of that person, but still a little creepy. The really strange thing is that I got more sleep last night than I got on the average night this summer, then I took a three-hour nap, and I didn't even want to get up when the three hours was up. How much sleep do I really want to get? This is getting crazy.
OK, so the "academic" update: Classes have now started. First thing in the morning I have Elementary Ancient Greek, which is really cool, but goes very fast, so it can be difficult to keep up. Next, on MWF, I have Geology: Age of the Dinosaurs, which is incredibly cool. I have a professor that practically bounces in his excitement about the course material, and who shows video clips and media images all the time because he's that neat. After that, I have History of Europe in the Nineteenth Century (Writing Intensive). That class is a little on the boring side, but the professor looks like Hitler, speaks with a Jersey accent, and smiles to much to be either Hitler OR from New Jersey. Then I get a break for lunch before going to Political Geography, which is actually pretty cool, and Sociology: The Female Experience. Doesn't that class sound like a B-Sci-Fi movie to you? Anyway, the title makes me think that, but the class is pretty neat. I dumped the incredibly easy Intro to Finance for non-majors in favor of this more interesting sociology class. I only have Greek at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I make up for it with work, homework, Wesley stuff, and sleep.
Well, I am off on the eternal quest for someone to eat dinner with. *Here is where I would say goodbye in Greek if I knew how and could find letters, but neither is possible at this time, so you'll just have to put up with "Later, dudes."
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