I'm going to try the KJ's tactic of "dashing". Here goes:
- I got stuck in a "what if" discussion yesterday with a friend of mine. I love and hate what if discussions. I love that they leave all possibilities open. I love wondering how my life would different if I had grown up somewhere else or gone to a different college. But I hate the what ifs of the future. I hate looking at a major decision and knowing that there are millions of options for how things could end up. I hate knowing that these little choices affect my whole future. It's just too much pressure to put on a single decision!
- I hate the radio ads on the pop stations here. I know, it's what I get for listening to pop, but I don't feel like it's a good plan to listen to hard rock music at the desk. But the ads on this station are terrible. First, there are the gross adult bookstore and strip joint ads. I don't want to hear or even think about that stuff, and it's on the radio where anyone can hear it. Then there are the terrible car commercials that have this annoying male voice saying over and over again, "Yeah, well..." That's all this voice says, while a really nasal female voice talks quickly and irritatingly. It's terrible. (Sorry, I hate the ads, I just needed to get that out there.)
- How did March get here so fast? Spring break is only 17 days away and we've nearly reached midterms. This semester is FLYING!
- Is non-sexual, friendly cuddling an option? I was just having this discussion with some people last night. Can two friends just decide to cuddle a bit because cuddling is comfy and fun? Or is that taboo and only going to cause problems? I mean, sometimes I just want to cop a cuddle. It's not like I want a relationship, it's not a sexual thing, I just want to be held a bit. Any opinions out there?
- I keep having weird, recurring dreams about amusement parks. Seriously, I've had these dreams three times in the last week. What's my function?
- Hey. You. Update your blog. Really. I get bored at the desk and I need something sensational to read!
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