I can't wait to go to sleep tonight. There's just something about the idea of collapsing under my covers and sleeping for a significant amount of time that has me on the verge of drooling. I've been writing papers like mad for the last three days, which has left me with only 10 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours. It's not my favorite condition, but it does give me terrifically random thoughts to impart to you.
-Some words should always be mispronounced for the sheer hilarity it produces. Take, for example, the word analysis. This word is pronounced "aNALysis" in the general public. I propose that we instead enunciate it, "ANalYsis." (I wish I could use the pronunciation symbols, but my powers are limited). Other words to try: emPHASis, fumBLE (pronouced fumBLIE) and, DISturBANCE.
-Instead of the automated bucking broncos at fairs and country-style bars and such, I think we should have huge automated buckign squirrels. If you've ever watched a squirrel run, you'll get what I mean. They do this crazy back-arching thing that would make it really hard to hang on.
-I've always said that of all the animals in the animal kingdom, I want to be a sloth. However, if I were a sloth, I couldn't write this blog b/c I'd only have two or three fingers and no opposable thumbs. And then you wouldn't have this to read. Come to think of it, maybe it would be a good idea to be a sloth...
-Maybe storms aren't so bad after all...
-Africa is very large and very, VERY far away.
-Two of my friends' moms DO go to college.
-Bureaucracy is a torture device invented by someone with OCD, enhanced by computer nerds, then forced on the rest of humanity.
-I'm less likely to fall asleep in class when I'm running on 3 or 12 hours of sleep than I am when I've gotten 7 hours of sleep. Somewhere between 3 and 12 is my problem.
-A thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters would still have to learn to type and not to eat the typerwiter ribbon.
-10 more days of this insanity and I can go HOME!
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