[Slept in your bed] Me
[Saw you cry] Can't remember, it's been a long time since I let someone see me vulnerable
[Made you cry] Can't remember that either... it's usually more a bunch of events than one person
[Spent the night at your house] probably Amy from home...all about the girls' nights
[You went to the mall with] Rachel, because I was actually in Ohio
[Yelled at you] My grandfather, about politics
[Sent you an email] Wang, about sad is that?
[Said they were going to kill you] Me? I don't know. But probably me.
[Said "I love you" and meant it?] I love you, yes. I'm in love with you, no. It's complicated.
[Been to New York?] Yep. Twice.
[Been to Florida?] Twice, but both over 2 years ago.
[California?] Yup
[Hawaii?] I wish, I'd love to see the volcanoes!
[Mexico?] Nuh-uh.
[China?] Nope
[Canada?] Yeah...kinda fun place, but too cold.
[Danced naked?] Not fully naked, but you'd better believe in my underwear!
[Dreamed something really crazy and then it happens the next day?] Occasionally.
[Stalked someone?] Not yet... MWAHAHAHA!!!
[Had a mud bath?] Hmm... not the bath, but I got covered in it a lot as a kid.
[Wished you were the opposite sex?] Numerous times. In the end I always end up glad I'm female, though.
[Had an imaginary friend?] Nope...I was too busy getting dirty to worry about somebody invisible.
[Math or English?] English... math is my nemesis.
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey?] Sleep? Write? I never think that far ahead.
[What was the last food you ate?] Chicken Tenders at Eva's for dinner. I wish I had something better to say, like chocolate.
[Are you bored?] Definitely... there's no one here!!!
[Last time you went out of the state] Yesterday I was in 2 other states, the day before that 4. (Road trip!)
[Lucky number?] 13
[Things you like in a girl/guy?] Intelligence, sense of humor, faith, communication skills, and, let's face it, nice shoulders and eyes.
[Do you have a crush on someone] Perhaps oui, perhaps non. (I'm going for mystique with me) But to be honest, yes.
[Do they know?] Quite possibly.
[Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?] Do I ever? No.
[What do you think of Ouija boards?] Hokey and fake...but fun all the same!
[What book are you reading now?] A Girl's Best Friend, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, and Beowulf
[Favorite magazine?] I have to pick ONE? Probably Marie Claire, with Cosmo and SI coming next.
[Favorite sound?] Laughter, closely followed by nearly all kinds of music.
[Worst feeling in the world?] Rejection (relationships, jobs, etc.)
[Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters?] Rollercoasters are all both scary and exciting, which is why I love them so much!
[How many rings before you answer?] Ground line is usually 2. Cell takes longer because I have to find it.
[Future daughter's name?] Kids? KIDS? First I'm getting a dog. Then I might think about finding a husband. But kids are a long, LONG way off yet.
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] Yep. Black bear named Howard.
[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] Wide Receiver for the Denver Broncos.
[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?] Righty, but years of piano lessons are working on ambidextrous
[Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?] You better believe it... years of "Typing Tutor" and computer classes, plus it's faster this way!
[What's under your bed?] At home: who knows. At school: movies, boxes of clothes, pop, yarn and empty duffel bags.
[Favorite sport to watch] It's a toss up between Pro football and hockey.
[Did you have fun doing this] Sure. I'm in an empty college dorm and classes aren't in session, so I have nothing better to do!
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