Wednesday, June 08, 2005

"Where you are is where I belong"

I went to see Dave Matthews Band in concert in St. Louis last week. The music was great, but the people in the crowd were terrible. I went with six friends, but we were surrounded by a hord of idiot high school and college students who were smoking and shoving people and screaming and singing so loudly that we could scarcely hear the band. I really wish they'd come to hear the music instead of coming to scope members of the opposite sex in small clothes. But, nevertheless, the performance was AMAZING and I really enjoyed getting to go out west for a bit.

I'm really enjoying just getting to hang out at home with my parents. I know it sounds weird, but my parents are really cool people and I actually enjoy spending time with them. A few nights ago, for instance, we sat around and played that wonderful elementary school girl game: "Electronic Dream Phone" after dinner. They were really fun to play with, and we gave dad endless ribbing when HE actually won the game. Imagine, if you can, two twenty year olds and two people in their mid-fifties playing a game designed for ten-year-old girls. It was hilarious.

I'm starting to get really nervous, about my upcoming interviews. I have to meet with the people in my church for an interview and get them to approve me if I ever want to have a chance of becoming a minister. That means my fate is entirely in the hands of a few people at my church. If they decide I'm unacceptable, things get really hairy and I may never be able to serve. With me getting nervous the interview will probably go something like this:
"What is it you feel called to do?"
"Serve and...stuff..."
"Could you explain that?"
"Um... *long pause* no."
"Oh. Well then, how did you come to this realization."
"Right. Why did you choose the Methodist church."
"I like it."
"Because I do."
"Well, I think we've got enough. Ready for a rejec, I mean, vote?"

Well, I'm off to go prepare for Annual Conference and contemplate how to fit all of the essentials of my life into one duffle bag. Happy and merry.

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