Sunday, December 02, 2012

Advent: Day 1

Advent begins today! So, in keeping with my Advent covenant, here are the Scriptures, and my prayer for the day:

Jeremiah 33:14-16; Psalm 25:1-10; 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36

Hope of the World,
You are everlasting light, and in you there is no darkness at all.
In this season of long nights and dim, cold days, we wait for your coming.
We wait for your dazzling truth to break into our consciousness,
for your light to illuminate our ways.
Give light to our paths.
Make your ways known to us, and lead us in your truth.
Let your brightness drive away the shadows of sin
that haunt our steps as we journey toward Bethlehem.
Breathe your holiness into our hearts, that we may stand blameless in your presence.
Give us strength for the journey as we seek your face.
Guide us on our way to you, that we may see Emmanuel, God with us,
and through his grace ever increase in love for you and one another.

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