Friday, March 02, 2012

That's What I Said.

Matthew 16:15: "Jesus said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?'"
You are God in the flesh.
You are a human being who has experienced what I have experienced.
You are God seen face-to-face on earth.
You are a human being who laughed and cried and prayed with friends.
You are God who leaves fingerprints on our lives.
You are a human being who ate and drank and shared a table with strangers.
You are God who challenged the religious and political leaders.
You are a human being who embraced outcasts and sinners.
You are God who has existed through all time.
You are a human being who died a human death.
You are God who breathed life into creation.
You are a human being who rose from the dead.
You are God who reaches out with grace and mercy.
You are a human being who taught us to love and forgive.
You are God and human, the bridge between God's kingdom and fallen earth.
You are Creator and Savior.
You are Love Incarnate.

1 comment:

sanctifyingsarah said...

God says to you..You are my precious daughter and I call you to proclaim my Word before all people.