How is it that my apartment gets messier when I'm not home than it is when I'm here? Oh, right, it's because traveling puts me at my most disorganized. With all the coming and going in this two-month period, it's gotten to the point where I walk through the door, drag whatever I'm carrying to my bedroom, and just dump all of it on the floor. Then I put some of the pile from the floor onto my extra bed, some onto my desk, some into a suitcase, grab a few things that used to be put away, add them to the bag, and walk back out. When I return, I repeat the procedure.
So the detritus of travel ends up all over my bedroom in no discernible pattern. Sometimes I'm so tired when I come in that I don't even make it to the bedroom, and the piles end up in the living room. It looks like a clutter bomb exploded all over my apartment. Fortunately, the ongoing travel means that I only really have to tolerate the mess for 24 hours at a time before I leave again.
So, goodnight bag,
Goodnight rag,
Goodnight duffel that I drag.
Goodnight mess,
Goodnight dress,
Goodnight lists that cause me stress.
Goodnight piles,
Goodnight trials,
Goodnight stuff that I should file.
Goodnight screen,
Goodnight greens
Goodnight laundry I should clean.
And goodnight room.
I love this!
This should be a book!! Very cute.
We are of course surprised to discover that one of Lauren's favorite books as a child was "Goodnight Moon." Dad
HA! Brilliant!
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