Saturday, September 01, 2007

Oh My Gosh!

I attempted to go to the movies tonight with a couple of friends from school. As we were waiting in line to get tickets, we realized that we were too late for the showing of the movie we wanted to see. As we were standing in line debating what to do next, one of my friends glanced behind him at the next person in line.

Friend #1: (to the person behind us) Should I recognize you?
Person behind us in line: Um, no.
Me: (glancing behind to that person) Yes. Yes you definitely should.

The person behind us in line smiled and chuckled at this. I, in an act of GREAT restraint, chose to leave it at that and allow the person behind us in line to continue his date without further disruption.

Who did I make smile?

SHANNON SHARPE!!!! I'm just now coming down from the adrenaline high of seeing him, and I can tell you, he's actually better looking in person than he is in uniform on TV. It made my night.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm so jealous!!! Seeing Shannon Sharpe and claiming Champ Bailey--not to mention you living there--GA is so lucky! :)

I saw Dan Graham at my high school reunion a couple months ago. Does that count for anything?

Brooke Everhart said...

SHUT UP! So the name was so sticky but I couldn't place it... then I googled and HOLY SCHNAUZER! WOW. Ok. wow.