I miss ASP. I went to visit a friend who is on staff this summer and that's the conclusion I reached. It was the most exhausting and interesting job of my life, and I miss it desperately. I miss being sweaty and dirty and exhausted. I miss watching volunteers learn and interact with families. I miss getting to know families and talking with them about their homes and their lives. I even miss long, tense, and sometimes punchy staff meetings. Suffice it to say that being away from staff only gives me a greater desire to go back.
I really enjoy driving alone. I'm not sure why that is, since I'm an extrovert and normally try to be around people all the time. Yet I get great satisfaction about steering my car down the road with no one else in the vehicle. I ponder things like these:
- Why are there all these pro-life and pro-choice billboards on the interstates in the midwest? Do people actually make decisions about reproductive rights while they're driving across the country? I have to say that I think perhaps this use of outdoor advertising isn't the best move.
- I wish the U.S. had better public transportation. I'd really like to be able to hop on a train like people in Europe can. Trains are such neat, economically, and environmentally friendly ways of getting around, and here's we are with Amtrak going bankrupt.
- Bubbles should always be utilized to combat construction-traffic-boredom. Besides, nothing makes the other drivers think you've lost your marbles like blowing bubbles in traffic.
- I love Flying J. I can't even explain to you how much I love Flying J.
- Indiana has "No Stopping or Standing" signs along their interstates about every 3 miles. The key word here is INDIANA. No offense to the state of Indiana, but if you pull over and leave your car on the side of the Interstate, where are you going to go? Are you going to just take off walking through the nearest soybean field? The only reason for stopping or standing by the side of the interstate, as far as I can tell, is because your car has broken down, and then you don't have a choice anyway!
There you have it... thoughts of a solitary interstate driver.
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