Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Borrowed Wisdom

I have been devoting whatever intelligence and good writing I've been able to muster lately to trying to finish my thesis. (Today I reached the minimum requirement of sixty pages, which, when you print it out, looks and feels really impressive.) As a result, I have very little of good substance to say. Instead, I'll share with you three pieces of great wisdom that I have picked up in my classes in the last couple of weeks:

1) "Living in Boston, there were a whole lot of times that I shoveled six inches of partly cloudy."
-Rex Matthews

2) "An amateur is someone who doesn't know what can't be done, so he does it."
-John August Swanson

3) "God did not call an outfit. God called you and who you are."
-Theresa Fry Brown


Unknown said...

Could you explain the last quote. I am a little in the dark about it.

Lauren said...

OK, Bear. Women in ministry frequently get pressured about what to wear. We're often told that our heels are too high or too low, our clothes are too colorful or too drab or too revealing or too frumpy, and our nails are too short/long/brightly painted. She was talking about her decision to wear shoes and clothes that she liked, to genuinely be herself and recognize that God had called her as she was, instead of conforming to all the rules and recommendations of congregations.

Unknown said...

Ok, you were talking about clothes. When I read "Outfit" I thought about a rag-tag group of people. You know the phrasing " You and your OUTFIT need to go and blow up that Nazi bridge." Or whatever. Your explanation makes a lot more sense.

Unknown said...

I miss Sexy Rexy. He probably said that while cracking one of his "is it a smile or is it not a smile" smiles, because he thought it was mildly funny but in a frustrating way. While sitting on a desk, of course.

Unknown said...

He was also probably sitting on the table, showing off his "Little Rex."